There’s a unique new technology out in Google Maps’ open beta testing stage that provides an entirely new source of revenue for auto dealerships. Let me explain. As an automotive dealer, we sell and lease new and used cars. We have an app on our phones to quickly view the availability of a vehicle that we are looking at in our parking lot. We also use this same app to easily find other dealerships with which we do business and arrange for the placement of our cars for sale or lease.
But there is a much more practical application to this than just the ability to quickly and easily locate another dealership with a car we’re interested in. This application could be used by any third-party company that wants to place online advertisements on a mobile device within walking distance of our dealership. So what would automotive feed advertising do for us?
The key benefit of these types of mobile applications is the ease of providing real-time location information about our customers’ vehicles. The GPS automatically supplies this information in our smartphones to third-party service providers, which then forward to property promotion ad networks. These networks are responsible for putting the images and other content associated with each photo into the appropriate format and using tags to describe them. When these automotive feeds are combined with the maps provided by smartphones, a unique new venue for promoting our cars and our businesses becomes available.
For example, an automotive advertiser can image a new car that his customer purchased only days before. Then, it shows the vehicle in its final destination and offers a link to the advertiser’s website to review all of the vehicle research performed before the purchase.
This dealership advertiser has used this tracking feature to create a highly targeted list of buyers for his business. Because this is a highly targeted list, he can ensure that the people who saw the ad were interested in purchasing this particular automobile. In addition, he is also able to track the progress of each of his visitors. In other words, he can determine how many of these automotive ads generated the desired sales for his business. Through this information, he can also measure the effectiveness of his advertising campaigns and make any necessary changes. Indeed, through this tracking system, he can optimize his automotive feeds and sales performance.
With the help of a URL shortener and a customized HTML page, anyone can quickly open an automotive feed to see the image and link that has been placed within the ad. However, most users do not go beyond this step since they usually do not have enough time to spare looking at these images. Interestingly, these ads also contain JavaScript code that allows the owner of the feed to put their website link and audio player into the live audio portion of the ads. By using this JavaScript code, the owners can generate a stream of revenue through the ads displayed on their automotive feeds.
The exterior view feature of the automotive ads is one of the main reasons why most car dealers choose this type of promotion. This gives them a chance to show off their vehicles in their best possible light to interested customers. Through the JavaScript code embedded within the live audio recording, these car dealership advertisers can track the clicks on their ads and determine which particular ads were clicked the most. They can use this data to improve the performance of their advertisements and track the effectiveness of their content. For more information about the availability of the URL shortener and the customization of the HTML page, interested users can visit the developer’s website.
To conclude, the automotive feeds allow advertisers looking to expand their marketing campaigns with more elements. By adding the ability to display images, content, and a graphical demonstration of the product’s benefits, interested consumers are more likely to be converted into buyers. In addition, the feed allows car dealers to offer more content than previously provided through promotional text ads and will enable them to interact with their customers engagingly and naturally. Once the product becomes familiar to consumers, they will be willing to purchase rather than turn down an ad because they didn’t understand the ad’s promotional text.