
DIY Coyote Hunting: How to Set Up and Maintain Your Own Hunting Property


Setting up and maintaining your own hunting property for coyote hunting can be a rewarding and effective way to improve your hunting success. By creating an environment that attracts and supports coyotes, you can increase the likelihood of encounters and maximize your hunting opportunities. In this guide, we’ll explore tips and techniques for DIY coyote hunting property management to help you set up and maintain your own hunting property effectively.

Choosing the Right Property

H2 Consider Location and Accessibility

When selecting a property for coyote hunting, consider factors such as location and accessibility. Look for properties with suitable habitat features such as open fields, woodlots, and natural travel corridors that are known to attract coyotes. Additionally, consider accessibility for hunting purposes, including ease of access to hunting areas and potential obstacles such as terrain features or property boundaries.

H2 Assess Habitat Features

Assess the habitat features of the property to determine its suitability for coyote hunting. Look for key habitat elements such as food sources, water sources, and cover that support coyote populations. Evaluate the presence of small mammals, birds, and other prey species that coyotes feed on, as well as natural features such as ridgelines, valleys, and waterways that influence coyote movements.

Creating Habitat Enhancements

H2 Establish Food Plots

Create food plots on your hunting property to attract and sustain coyotes throughout the year. Plant a variety of crops such as grains, legumes, and brassicas that provide food sources for coyotes and other wildlife. Consider planting cover crops such as clover or alfalfa to provide additional forage and cover for prey species.

H2 Install Water Sources

Install water sources such as ponds, troughs, or natural springs to provide drinking water for coyotes and other wildlife. Consider placing water sources strategically near food plots or travel corridors to increase their attractiveness to coyotes. Maintain water sources regularly to ensure they remain clean and accessible for wildlife.

H2 Create Cover and Shelter

Create cover and shelter on your hunting property to provide habitat for coyotes and enhance their comfort and security. Plant native vegetation such as shrubs, grasses, and trees to create bedding areas and escape cover for coyotes. Consider leaving brush piles or fallen logs as natural shelter for coyotes and other wildlife.

Managing Hunting Pressure

H2 Rotate Hunting Locations

Rotate hunting locations on your property to prevent excessive hunting pressure in any one area. By rotating hunting locations regularly, you can minimize disturbance to coyotes and avoid habituation to hunting activities. Use trail cameras to monitor coyote activity and adjust hunting locations based on recent sightings and patterns.

H2 Practice Selective Harvesting

Practice selective harvesting of coyotes to maintain a healthy and sustainable population on your hunting property. Target specific individuals such as older or nuisance coyotes while avoiding the overharvesting of healthy breeding pairs. Monitor coyote populations regularly and adjust hunting efforts as needed to ensure sustainable management practices.


Setting up and maintaining your own hunting property for coyote hunting can be a rewarding and effective way to enhance your hunting success. By choosing the right property, creating habitat enhancements, and managing hunting pressure effectively, you can create an environment that attracts and supports coyotes while maximizing your hunting opportunities. With careful planning, dedication, and ongoing management efforts, DIY coyote hunting property management can provide a fulfilling and sustainable hunting experience for years to come.

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